when you’re a movie fanatic or just geeky, or maybe you just have the spare cash….maybe all of the above. You could create your own theater and at the comfort of your own home you can watch movies with no disturbance. I thought i’ve seen the best home theaters on MTV Crib, but clearly not, after seeing these, my brain was ticking and I checked my bank balance and was looking at my car garage for ages, maybe i should convert it into one of these. Check out these cool home theaters:
This one’s just a concept for now, but it’s available made-to-order. [by Elite Home Theater Seating]
Death Star (Star Wars)
[by Definitive Audio]
The Enterprise (Star Trek)
The Enterprise-D #1 (Star Trek: The Next Generation
The Enterprise-D #2 (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
The Matrix
I’m not sure I see the resemblance, though it’s said to include lots of design elements “inspired by†The Matrix. Personally, I would have gone with the bridge of the Nebuchadnezzar, but that’s just me.
[by RPG Diffusor Systems]
Nautilus (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea)
[by Dillon Works]
Pirate Ship
Stargate Atlantis
Sorry Stargate fans, but I had no idea anybody loved the show that much. [by Visual Concepts]
Via: ForeverGeek