Have you ever purchased something even though you can’t afford it? How many times have you got home and wished your bank stopped you, or at least someone was there to restrict you and talk some sense into you? Well look no further. We all have that place we can’t help but pop into to buy something, first you tell yourself “I’m only window shopping for the next pay day”, and next thing you are walking out with bags full of wants rather than needs. Today, first direct are launching their new innovation, the savezap!
savezap is a wearable tech designed to help you stay away from those shopping hotspots that are nothing but your Achilles heels and save money as a result of it. It connects to your smartphone via an app so you can set those shops you often find yourself just “window-shopping” in. savezap as the name suggests, gives you an electric shock when you approach the places where you just can’t help spending money, not just shops, so those of you who can’t stay away from that bar even though you have a holiday to save for, it works there too. This will help you resist the temptation better, first direct are helping you make those saving plans happen.
I’ve been using the savezap for a week so far, and i’ve saved some money already. As with all behaviors and habits, it’s a matter of training your mind and thoughts to become accustomed to not spending in places where you don’t really have to and start to think about saving in a new way. You become very aware of those extra expenditures, so you can analyse how effective it is.
How it works:
Once you remove the device out of the box, you just need to press the power button to switch it on and slowly exert pressure using one of your fingers, ideally your index finger for ease of use and the lightning bolts should light up and let the savings begin. Excited yet?
To set locations, change settings such as zap/shock intensity, you will need to sync your wearable with the free app, and hit the settings button to change the options. You can select a particular destination/location or better yet, select chain locations like Nando’s, Starbucks etc. so if you are near any of them, you will be zapped.
The savezap wearable gadget features wireless charging and connectivity, adjustable strap, seven-day battery life, GPS tracking, light-up shock interface and it’s made with a high-performance waterproof material.
This wearable is set to be the next big thing for consumers who are trying to save money, but struggle to control their urge to spend whilst out and about. If you fit the bill, then you should think about getting yourself a savezap wrist wearable from first direct.