Pebble and Twine: two great connected objects that go together like peanut butter and chocolate.
Twine, the easiest way to connect your objects to the Internet, will integrate the Pebble smartwatch as an output to rules. In Twine’s web app, you’ll be able to send notification of real-world events, like a basement flooding or a door opening, to your Pebble. The possibilities multiply with these two devices, and we expect our backers will come up with yet more great ideas.
Want to monitor things and environments remotely without a nerd degree? Maybe you want to get a tweet when your laundry’s done, an email when the basement floods, or a text message when you left the garage door open.
Twine is the simplest way to get the objects in your life texting, tweeting or emailing. Focus on your idea instead of installation or technical stuff. A durable 2.5″ square provides WiFi, internal and external sensors, and two AAA batteries that last for months. A simple web app lets you give Twine human-friendly rules — no programming needed.