Samsung may have pushed the reveal date forward two days for the Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy Gear, the two new consumer products coming from the South Korean electronics giant. The original date was set at IFA 2013, on September 6, where the original Galaxy Note and second version were released.
New reports say Samsung will bring both the devices to IFA after a big launch party two days prior. We are unsure where Samsung’s launch party will be, we suspect Berlin, where IFA is held, would be a pretty good spot. They did they same with the Galaxy Note 8.0 launch, two days prior to MWC 2013.
Samsung may also ship its new smartwatch, set to try and take on the Pebble and Sony smartwatch. We recently heard several leaks and rumours regarding Apple making the iWatch, this may have been what caused Samsung to rush into the smartwatch market.
The Galaxy Note 3 is set to be a huge competitor in the phablet space, with a 5.7-inch AMOLED screen, Snapdragon 800 processor, 3GB of RAM, 13MP camera and Android 4.3 out of the box.
What we are still wondering is if Samsung will release multiple versions of the Galaxy Note 3. Recently we heard a rumour about three different phone sizes, 5.5-inch, 5.7-inch and 5.99-inch versions.