The Apple Watch will come in three different models, Apple Watch Sport, Apple Watch and Apple Watch Edition. The only price we got was for the lowest end Apple Watch Sport, starting at $349 with an aluminium and glass design.
For the two other models, it is open to questions and Apple doesn’t want to answer them yet. It might be for good reason, most smartwatch fans see the price margins between $199 and $399, but Apple might be looking at four figures.
The Apple Watch, the main flagship edition, could start at $999, according to Apple analyst John Gruber. The Apple Watch has stainless steel and sapphire glass and will come with a range of premium straps for users.
The biggest hitter is the Apple Watch Edition, the 18 karat gold option. Gruber estimates this could cost anywhere from $1,999 to $9,999, depending on what Apple think their customer base is willing to pay, for the luxury high-end.
This is the thing about watches, they don’t adhere to normal price scales. Some watches go for $99 and others can reach stupidly expensive prices, depending on stock, age and material.
The Apple Watch Edition isn’t going to sell millions of units, but if Apple plays it right they could have around 10,000 customers who pay thousands of dollars, to own the same experience a $349 user bought, at least on software terms.
This will all depend on the initial views of the Apple Watch. Normal watches are considered timeless, they do not lose their price as they age, but we cannot say the same about smartwatches. Battery life will degrade, alongside the other electronics inside, and once the second generation comes out, what really makes the first generation unique?
Source: Daring Fireball