Nokia Lumia 925 (catwalk) Officially Announced
Nokia Lumia 925 Officially Announced
Nokia Lumia 925 Officially Announced
With the need to carry so many devices with us today such as a Laptop, a tablet device and a smart phone on the move, companies like Acer are aspiring to bring that case to a close with a 11.6inch Ultrabook style laptop
Flex is your perfect companion. Wear it on your wrist day and night and it will track all of your activity.
New Nokia DC-18 portable charger has more style than most.
After all the leaks and speculations, Activision has confirmed the new Call of Duty title; with Activision’s release of the new trailer it looks to most definitely be set with Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley as the main or one of the main characters.
We take a brief look at the boom of electronic toys that occurred in the 90s.
Siva in Motion’s new Atom is set well on course to be funded on Kickstarter and with that can change the way you charge your iPhone, Android or Tablet
Windows 8.1 and the return of the Start Button? Windows Blue or windows 8.1 isn’t infact a big update but may just be a service pack with a few aesthetic features.The start button will make a return along with a boot to desktop option..
Instacube’s Kickstarter is a new way to have your photos come into your home on a digital photo frame. The idea of a photo frame that can be set to view a certain hashtag or to show a friends photos or your own and update instantly is awesome.
Some tips on the next steps to take after receiving your new Pebble Watch