Browsing: Gadgets



Nanodots are kick-ass, take-no-prisoners, juiced-up super magnets. They require no instructions and will never need an upgrade.
Featuring: no flashing lights, computer chips or batteries, these tactile dots derive their allure from sheer magnetic force and human imagination.

1, the ultimate gadget shop, announces the Spy Hawk plane featuring a 5 megapixel video camera with live feedback to the 3.5” LCD screen on the transmitter, a 600m range and state of the art stabilisation technology.


Tweetbot has been a hit on the iPhone, iPad and now the Mac version is out to complete the trilogy. Tweetbot’s blog says that it’s the still a public alpha version meaning there are still bugs and may not be fully perfect yet, but it’s the beginning of good things to come.


Traditionally, meters sit under your stairs or in the garage and are only disturbed when the meter reader comes to take a reading. Well, at first sight, smart meters don’t look a whole lot different…but are worlds apart.

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