Sight, A short futuristic film by Eran May-raz and Daniel Lazo.
This could be a future for project glasses, a little zombie like environment where our behavior is controlled by what we can see digitally.  We could all become a walking Wikipedia of information about everything that we see like food, other humans like the opposite sex and takes away the natural side of been human.  Imagine you went on a date, perhaps there will be no need to learn about the other half since you could simply look at them and the reality is augumented for your viewing pleasure.
Google announced project glass which works very similar but gives you opportunity to remove it when not needed; Google glass also seems limited to just keeping general information to help with productivity, but this futuristic video seems way more advanced and intrusive with the ability to hack the toher person’s sense to control them, in other words turn them into some sort of robot you can control.
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Sight from Sight Systems on Vimeo.